Originally Posted by Grinity
I don't think it's easier to damage a gifted child, based on the fact that generally for gifted kids grow up mentally healthy than ND kids. Of course it could be that the high IQ is very protective and our terrible parenting wears off about half of the protection.
Probably that self-preservation was what giftedness was naturally selectively bred for. �It was posted in another thread here that the more highly gifted people were more likely to "hesitate to bring a child into the world in the current state of things". �Also a self-preserving giftedness trait would make survival more likely and create less need for more babies. �Most people would naturally have more babies knowing that some will not make it and more babies will mean more survive to carry on the family line. �I read that but it was written about national poverty leading to larger families for that reason. �I told the hubby maybe that's why people here have more kids because for so many generations it must have been tough to live here before modernization. �(115 degrees for weeks at a time). �He said now people have large families because more kids means more chances some of them will be successful and do something with their lives.

Maybe you're right in that one way or another gifted people are needing community belonging, that it's lacking somehow. Maybe because a gifted identity is taboo and self-derisive.

Youth lives by personality, age lives by calculation. -- Aristotle on a calendar