Originally Posted by Iucounu
One of my proudest moments was when I learned that when kids at his school were shunning one little boy at lunch, he went over to sit with him and loudly said, "Hey, who wants to eat with us?", which apparently made some others brave enough to come over.

Now that would be a very proud moment indeed. How sweet!

LaTexican - yes I totally am not reading into what the woman's intentions were of saying "you must be proud." She clearly was just complimenting my son. It just got me thinking more about what specifically makes me proud.

ABQMom - that is so true. I am clearly much more proud by virtues and character things that you mentioned displayed in your daughter. For me helping someone in need, doing something kind vs. 100% on a test. That's a no brainer to me. Much more proud for acts of kindness. Not that I don't appreciate hard work and am not proud of him when he works hard and does well at things, I definitely am. But for me becoming a kind person of good character is much more of a priority.