Ok my son has Cerebral Palsy (due to severe PVL) and they have noticed since he was 2 that he has been ahead of his peers on many things, especially vocab (now motor skills he is very far behind on). He entered a specialized school that provides him with the therapy he needs and he's currently in JK, they have noticed he is easily distracted and hard to keep on topic and wondered if he was struggling. Now he went in to be tested, I am not sure which test they use, all I know is it was meant for 6-16yr old (he's 4) because the one they started off with he seemed to be bored of quickly and didn't want to do it. All I know is on it 90-110 is average, 111-121 is above average, 122-130 is highly intelligent. He scored 111 overall, 111 on information, 108 on math and comp, 86 on similarities, and 121 on vocabulary.

Now they told me that a overall score of 111 was above average for children 6-16 but didn't tell me what this meant for a 4yr old. I would take it it means his score is higher than above average due to his age? or would it pretty much stay the same? I'm sure his score would have been much higher because he was trying to go to sleep for almost half the test and was getting really bored with the questions. He absolutely hated the similarities portion, not because he didn't understand it, but because he was not interested in doing it after getting the first 6 right.

We are just wondering what it means for a 4yr old to score above average on a test out of their age range if anyone knows.