Originally Posted by suzie
In general and FYI was are in state that provides no funding for gifted students. The town tracks in high school but that's all kids get beyond regular classroom differentiation.

Lack of funding for gifted education would not have any impact on subject acceleration, and can in fact help you advocate for subject acceleration versus in-class differentiation. It is completely free and does not require any extra work from the teachers. Honestly, with math scores like your son's, a gifted pull-out would still not meet his math needs.

You said your DS was subject accelerated before you homeschooled him. Is there some reason that you're hesitant to ask for subject acceleration this go-round at the charter?

Perhaps, the school would feel better if they were able to test your DS on end-of-year tests of their own to help gage his mastery, in addition to considering the WJ scores (sometimes the school doesn't find as much usefulness in these tests as we do). If he were to score very well on the 3rd grade test then they could also give the 4th grade test, and so on until they found the correct instruction level. And, btw, it may not occur to the school to give more than the end-of-3rd grade test if he does well on that, so you may have to ask them to also give the end-of-4th grade test if you think it's warranted and you want to go that route.

Also, do your DS's KABC scores across the board tend to support his faster learning pace and depth? Perhaps the school will need these results explained to them in terms of your DS's abilities to make up any "holes" in his math education if they are concerned with that. Too, I forget if you mentioned where you had your testing done, but if it was not done by them they may be less familiar with the KABC, as opposed to the WISC or the SB or the DAS. I think I'm one of only two other people on this board whose kids were tested on the KABC and it's harder to find information about it (although everything I have heard about it is good).

Anyway, just throwing ideas out there. Glad you found us!

Last edited by mnmom23; 11/05/10 06:08 PM. Reason: Sorry, I see know that the school tested him. Any chance you can talk to the school psychologist to get a reading on what he/she will suggest is appropriate?

She thought she could, so she did.