
My son is 8, in third grade in a charter school he's attending for the first time this year. At his previous public school he did go to the next grade level in math for two years but still complained that it was too easy and not very interesting. We ended up homeschooling him and his brothers and sister in the spring, and he did math with his 4th grade math loving but not highly gifted brother and found that to slow.

At his new school he was given the WJIII test and the KABC-2 test. The results arrived today, and my husband and I have a meeting with the school next week to discuss.

I need help knowing exactly what to ask for, and advice on dealing with resistance from the classroom teacher. My son's class is a 3-4 class as is the class next door. The third graders from the class next door come in for math and the 4th graders switch out, but Ds' teacher has not let him move with the 4th graders even though he has already completed the same 3rd grade curriculum. In our so-far limited e-mailed conversations about this she has suggested that DS needs to explain his work better, needs to be neater and needs to follow her direction more closely .

His scores on the WJ III
Broad Reading: 135
Broad Math: 150
Basic reading: 128
Reading Comp: 137
Math Calc: 145
Math reasoning: 154
Basic Writing: 124
Academic Skills: 136
Academic Apps: 139
Academic Knowledge: 140

His scores range from 96 to 99.9 on the KABC-2

I know a little about what this all means form the grade level provided on the form and the brief narratives. We've known DS was capable well above his grade level, and the tests show this. Now it seems asking for him to be moved the 4th grade for math seems a bit silly, and that we really should be asking for an accelerated math program, etc.

Despite the results, DS has a lot to learn in writing and spelling and actually doesn't enjoy writing at all. I think in terms of that kind of work this classroom is good for him, and his teacher is offering him reasonably challenging work.

Socially and emotionally DS is a pretty happy and stable guy who suffers from occasional bouts of frustration. He�s even tempered, funny, friendly, a little shy, likable and a decent athlete.

If anyone has been kind and patient enough to read this far, can you advise? Most specifically I need advice about how to best advocate for my child. Any other general advice would be appreciated.

Thank you.