In an hour or so, my son will bring home his first real report card. I know it's good - his teacher has told me so. But strange as it sounds, I'm not sure how to react to it. I want him to know I'm proud of him, but I don't want him to think (as I did when I was a kid) that his grades are the only measure of his worth. I want to reward him, but I also want to ensure that he keeps his grades up because of a sense of pride and dedication rather than in hopes of getting something in return. And I want him to be proud of himself - but not to the point that he looks down his nose at people who don't do as well.
I know it sounds like an odd question. But I don't feel like my mom handled this well when I was a kid, and believe it or not, trying to figure out what to do is actually a little intimidating. I feel like my reaction to his grades can make a huge impact in his life - either for better or for worse - and I'd rather it be the former. Any ideas?