Originally Posted by ColinsMum
Let's not waste any more energy on this stuff.

I agree in some ways and not in others. What bothers me the most about this kind of "research" is that she has a high profile and presents herself as being an expert. Everything else aside, the fact that she didn't define "gifted" in that paper ("Here's a cutoff number, and here's how I got it for all these kids") renders the whole thing bogus to me.

Unfortunately, people listen to her, and therefore, from what I'm reading in this paper, some kids whose parents or teachers listen to her may not be told that they're cognitively gifted. Which means that they might go many years without understanding why they're so different from everyone else (and possibly blaming themselves for not fitting in).

Bottom line, I think that it's wrong to withhold information like this from people. It needs to be presented correctly and put in context, but still, kids have a right to know if people around them do.

Just my 2c.
