Blob, I found the book The Gift of Dyslexia, very helpful to explain better what dyslexia is. The man who wrote the book has dyslexia. It is the best book I have found that explains in detail many aspects of dyslexia, like you described your son is doing. Dyslexia isn't just difficuilty reading, reversals or phonological difficuilties. It has many faucets. Like 3-D vision , writing and seeing words or objects backwards,upside down like a computer generated image.
I deal with eye problems and was suscessful by improving diet.
With fish oil tablets, ground flax seed, yougart, probiotic tablets, multi-vitiamin with minearls Eye doctor said with such high IQ there was a narrow margin. He said, no sugar, fructrose, junkfood, or artificial sweetners. For fine motor skills I bought him chopsticks to eat with. It was fun but helped develop fine motor skills, I also bought tracing paper and had him trace cool monster pictires that had alot of detail,which he would spend hours to make them look just right, which also developed fine motor skills. Hope something here helps.