I see what you're saying, mich.

Gosh, I keep nodding when you talk about poor penmanship and super Lego, number sense, etc. That's my son too. For math, he thinks it in his head and writes the answer down for junior math olympiad style questions. But you're spot on- he's said it himself - he dislikes multistep word problems like those for Singapore Math. I've let him skip the longer ones, thinking that the issue is related to developmental age. But as you point out, it could be LD-related.

Is there a difference between VT and OT to address visual discrimination? Aren't these two areas covered by the VT? We are at the moment searching for an effective VT. I have some names but need to schedule the time to do it.

I've also found a bunch of visual discrimination worksheets that are easy for me to supplement at home. Have you used them? Wonder if they work.