Our state law lays out the requirements for an acceleration / skip, so there's no "secret" and no school-level concern about the number of people attempting it.

So I just told anyone who asked what the process was, including the fact that DD's first grade teacher said she felt there were multiple kids in the class who would have been capable of handling a skip. The parents all concluded "Oh, my kid is one of the kids who could do that, but we wouldn't choose to try because [of whatever reason]." (Where the reasons included things like "I'd rather him be at the top than the bottom" and "He plays grade-leveled sports and I'd rather he be old-for-grade than young-for-grade.") There was not a single parent who said "Wow, we'll try that next year!" Which is kind of a bummer, because I'd rather my kid not be the only one.

After the first couple of weeks of school, no one has been at all interested.