I've been going over in my mind to see if I could remember which reference it is from. I've been reading and researching non stop for about a year and a half and I only document what helps for the current battle we are in.

I think though it may have been in "A Nation Decieved" or the latest "Guidelines for Developing a Academic Acceleration Policy". Volume 2, the one meant for educators. Wish I could be mors specific.

Basically it said that 2 or 3 subjects at a time are okay to do once you get more that that it can be overwhelming for the child. Of course they were generalizing for the 'average' gifted child, whoever that is. It could easily be misinterpreted if read wrong.

Or, they may be using outdated models in gifted education where educators didn't use to want gifted kids to get ahead of other kids for fear of social issues down the line. The "everyone evens out by middle school" model is how it was described to me.

Lots of hope going out for your meeting!