Hi Tallulah
I'm sorry you are so frustrated. My 4.5 DS is very advanced inn reading but there are still challenges. He is in pre-k and just got his letter of the week curriculum schedule, I sighed a big sigh and I think he did too. But then he is getting OT for fine motor so having to do Aa next week won't be a total loss. Our challenges are thing like appropriateness, he can't read Harry Potter, way too scary for my sensitive guy. And an interesting moment when my father brought a body book which had a section explaining what an erect man does. That was a bit beyond what we were ready for him to know!!! And you would be surprised about identification in pre-k if they are not looking for it, they won't see it. I told DS new teacher that he was reading, and she has a fabulous rep and she still asked if he was just reading or if he actually comprehended. I ws a bit thrown by that, can you be considered reading if you don't understand what the words together mean? It's interesting, see the thread on verbal skills, its impressive early, but then it doesn't attraction continued attention and people start saying stuff like oh, the others will catch up. Then math precociousness gets everyone all excited.

Anyhow, I can't speaks to altering the math, although I would be interested in what interests her and what others say. Perhaps the no stress chess everyone is
mentioning, we are going to get that! DS is ahead in math but only interested when it related to something else. Instead of focusing on the math, what about the reading.
Have you tried starfall.com. It's fabulous and a friend who's kid is gifted but not
advanced in reading and was resisting said it really helped.

Hang in there!!
