All my friends have children who are advanced in reading, not (necessarily or obviously at this point) math. My child is advanced in math, and can't read yet.

I am so jealous of them! It seems like all they will have to do is hand the kid a bigger book with longer words and voila! Accommodation has been made! With mine, it would need a total curriculum makeover to reframe older grade level math in non-reading and manipulative and picture heavy ways. Not to mention that you can sit and read a book on your own for hours, but math doesn't really work that way (for her, anyway).

And, it must be so easy to identify advanced readers when they read things they're not supposed to be able to, or tip off the teacher by requesting Harry Potter from the school library. I can't imagine a situation in Kindergarten where you'd casually bring up remainders in conversation.

Now, please tell me I'm wrong, because it can't be that easy (and any tips for how I can alter second and third grade arithmetic and higher grade geometry stuff to have more pictures would be welcome, too)