DD14 isn't really a visual spatial person, but more of a "numbers" person as far as mathy things go. (Numbers=Words>Pictures is kind of how her abilities go)
She is, though, musically gifted. She writes beautiful music, plays popular songs by ear, and can play 6 instruments, and that's just because that's all we let her get smile . Trumpet is coming up once she gets the money...
She isn't, though, a "classical music" person. She is above average on her ability to play classical music, I'd say, but compared to her "by ear" side, it hardly even compares. Then again, that could probably be because she spends an hour or an hour and a half playing piano every day, and no less than 95% of that is spent playing things she *wasn't* assigned (By her piano teacher), and just improvising things, so that could be a reason she doesn't ever make too much progress on her piano lessons stuff.