This discussion has become really timely for us. Yesterday we had a conference with our piano teacher. This is a once a year event. Our piano teacher just raved on and on about my DS and said he is very naturally musical and one of 2 students of his that is consistently a joy to work with (out of 50 very good students). He has great aspirations for him as he goes on and where he'll be at when he reaches high school age (my eyes glaze over at this point - I'm on the 6 month evaluate plan crazy ). Every time I talk to him, I have to remind him about the whole GT thing because DS is so nonchalant about the whole thing. My DS is also very non-competitive. He could care less what other kids are doing or playing. He just does his own thing and races along at his own pace quite comfortably. Again, I had to tell him he's practicing a very average amount and I don't tie the kid to the piano.

Anyway - hearing someone else talk about my child like this definitely pops me out of my happy GT denial bubble momentarily! It's so easy to stay in it when you homeschool. Back to regularly scheduled denial.

For the record, my DS is very mathy. I have a math degree and he figures out multi-step problems in his head I need paper for. But I am also proof happy!