Our 4.5yd old son is PG and there's certainly musical ability evident. I think memory plays a key role in this as he's got absolute pitch which allows him to learn faster. We gave him an electric keyboard as he'd been playing with a cheap one which sounded bad. Figured if he's playing with it, let him hear clear notes. It has a little screen. Within a week he'd taught himself the notes and was moving onto chords.

We've started him on violin (Suzuki) as learning something hard seems a valuable lesson. It's been extremely tough to get him to practice but he's developing his own enthusiasm for it. He'll sometimes play a tune he's not practiced at all - just by listening to the notes he remembers, but getting him to do that on command, or even play the simple things can be almost impossible at times.

In the long run we don't have aspirations for him to be a career musician, but music seems like a great way to meet other similar people and it's usually a group activity.

He does LOVE maths. I personally think it's important to say to yourself that if your child decides they want to be a ticket collector at the opera rather than the lead violinist, and it's what makes them happy, great. Happiness is the real achievement.

We're not sure but think he's visual spacial. Is there a straight-forward way to figure this out?