I think this moment yesterday clearly marks me as an Aspie, diagnosed or not. We had left the house and were in the car. We planned to go shopping and have lunch, not necessarily in that order. I had a 2 PM meeting and it was 11:30 AM. So, suddenly about 80 feet from an intersection onto a busy street, DH starts saying how we don't have time to do both, that we should just grab lunch and go to the grocery store after the meeting. He tells me that if I really want to we can still try it, but we would have to move fast.

My brain locked. It is the only way I can think of describing it to someone who doesn't experience it. It was like someone tried to shift gears on a manual transmission car, but forgot to press the clutch, so all that happened was the engine stalled. I'm stressed by the fact we have to turn, and there is no time to make a decision. I'm stressed that I am being asked to make a decision when all of these issues just got thrown on top of me. I'm upset that he doesn't just make a decision. And I'm frustrated that he seems frustrated at me, when he just dumped all this on my lap. I finally came up with an alternate that seemed reasonable to me (lets go to Wal-Mart, it's closer and we can buy some things). And he seems more annoyed.

Of course, it ended up with a bad moment. But, I guess...for those of you who don't know what your AS kids experience, I figured I'd try to describe it. That moment when your brain is floundering and real speech is impossible until you get it working again is a very real moment, and the painful thing is you're aware of what's happening the entire time. smirk

Last edited by Artana; 08/30/10 06:07 AM.