This might not be the right place, but in what ways are sensual overexcitabilities and SPD different? DD14 could fit the description for either...
I enjoyed your post, DD seems to have a few of them... if not all of them... Every time I look at the list, I think "oh, so she has this. and this. and this. and.. all of them, with the exception of psychomotor?"
I especially like the intellectual advice, both of my gifted kids probably have intellectual OE, and we have an almost daily crossword puzzle competition, debates, etc.. they are always asking if we can do one tonight. I remember when DD was 6-7, she would always ask to play a "family game". She would ask almost every saturday, but we would really never end up doing it. I feel bad now thinking back on it...
EDIT: About the sensory stuff, she has problems with sounds, tastes, and feelings.
Sounds: Gets "nails on the chalkboard" more than a normal person should... can't use certain coasters, can't stand looking at chalk or our garage floor because of the potential noise they could make, couldn't put something in the oven because of the "horrible noise it made" (left it hanging in the middle, I had to run over and push it the rest of the way) In general anything that's chalk/chalkboard/cement like will not be good for her. Having said this, she will be fine in a busy restaurant with a lot of people talking, it's just certain sounds that annoys her. (I'm the one that can't be in a busy restaurant without about crying from the sounds)
Taste: refuses to eat cheese, milk, yoghurt, sour cream, anything creamy to a certain extent.. She wouldn't eat our dinner tonight because of the texture of the sauce. She doesn't like many foods at all, but she really likes the ones that she likes.
Touch: she can't not wear socks to bed, because her skin will be exposed and she will be able to feel the blanket on it. She ends up wearing knee socks tucked into her pajamas during the winter when it is cold enough, and even during the summer sometimes if she cranks up the fan enough.
She is also a gifted composer.
I guess my "point" is that alone none of these would be very odd, but when you add them all together, you have to wonder...