Once we get our DD9 Explore test results, depending on the outcome of course, I have planned to have her tested for IQ. She has had testing such as the CogAt and Cognitive Skills Index, which she has scored "exceptional" ranges, but has never had a formal IQ type test. I hope to find more information on her strengths and weaknesses and also help with our DYS application (again, if her Explore scores qualify)along with school advocation.

Anyway, we have two Universities nearby that offer testing for gifted students and also for gifted students with learning disabilities for a nominal fee. It is unclear which tests they use and I assume the students will conduct the tests under supervision. Any thoughts on this type of testing vs. a psychologist? I look at the cost vs. benefits and I'm not sure which way would be better. The nearest reputable psychologist is a 2-3 hour drive from us and would likely be very expensive. Has anyone here had good results with a University testing center? Which test would be good for a highly verbal child? Thanks
