The meeting was very educational. The people in charge of the school did really a nice job being very truthful about what they are offering. No help with AP as this would be in direct conflict with early college. But basically if you are smart , you can take an entire course load at the college starting in 11th grade, 10 grade if you pay for it. Funny situation arose when Ghost asked the P if he would be allowed to take college level math in 10 grade, if he comes with Calculus under his belt. The P asked where would you have taken Calc. BUY - was the reply. Well, in order to take college class in 10th grade you would have to take the ACT and score at least 26 (or 23??) in math. Then he proceeded to explain to my DS all about the ACT and how difficult it would be to obtain a score like that, and that it costs money, etc, etc. I was petrified about my son bursting out that he wrote SAT last year and what his scores were, but he just looked at the P nicely and listened. He is growing up! I was relieved!
Bottom line - a good option if you have a very good college working with the school.