This idea came from the online learning reply. �It doesn't really help the health and wellness research grant. �Well, maybe. �You could use Skyppe to make a little book club for the pull out students to meet online with a teacher and small class after reading quietly at their desk all week in their spare time. �But then you'd have to provide everybody with the same book to read. �That might be a problem. �

I've been in multiple user audio chat using Skyppe. �You could use it to get small groups of kids together, at least with audio. �I've also seen people advertising language lessons on skyppe for a negotiable hourly rate. �Maybe you could use that somehow to fine-tune a foreign language class for some advanced students from different schools at the same time with an native instructor.

Skyppe is free, but I don't know how large of a group it will host at once. �

And about financing the extra circulars. �I keep hearing how they keep getting the axe due to budget cuts. �Can you talk to a tax expert and find out if local business donated time and resources to after school clubs if that qualifies them for a tax credit. �It's not exactly a "charitable donation", but it might be something similar. �If it's not it should be.

Youth lives by personality, age lives by calculation. -- Aristotle on a calendar