I am just coming back here...laughing. How did this turn into a pedo conversation?!:)

Thank you ladies for all of your commments! This week was our first real immersion of homeschooling; so I have been exhausted, but happily.

I cannot really speak it very well (conversationally); but I can read it. He is interested in learning Spanish words for things. I think that reading Spanish books to him (since I know how to read it) and giving him Spanish words on demand, etc, and acting on your suggestions may be better for now, unless I can get an amazing deal on RS or something. I haven't tried Muzzy; but have heard of it. I haven't seen a demo which is most likely available. I will check it out. Thanks for the suggestion, K'sMom. I want something that he won't think of as work.

NanRos, my concern was that Spanish grammar is off order-wise from English, plus the general shortness of the phraseology. eg.."?Comprende?" "Do you understand?" -> we are trying to get him to say ALL of his words, speaking grammatically correct before he speaks slang. I totally agree about getting more vocab, practicing articulation, and just speaking more in general. It's ALL good! That is why I thought it was a good idea to begin with. His SLP is really great and very open to my suggestions and ideas revolving around what he is currently interested in. She is very creative and actually has him read his own directions, etc. She believes, as I do, that it is helping with his speaking. She is just worried about the grammar order more than anythng else, I believe. She wants him speaking correctly in our native tongue...me too.

La Texican, thank you for your tips. There is a Spanish speaking swim instructor at his lessons that he really likes (and the instructor likes him as well); and DS would love to say funny things to in Spanish. So that may help as well.

Thanks to all again!

Mom to DS6