Originally Posted by jolene77
momma2many- that is interesting about seeing a pediatric eye doctor- what made you do that route- are there other issues and concerns ya'll had. When DS was tested 2 years ago we did a private child psychologist (we are lucky that our insurance covered it) but I would have never thought about going the route of an eye specialist. Going to look into that- at his last eye appointment his vision was perfect- but the doctor was concerned about his focusing speed- he wears reading glasses for an hour or two a day at home now - not for seeing but to give his eyes a workout.

when we wrote out all of the concerns we had with his reading/writing and then googled them....it seemed to us that his issue was more of a visual processing error than true dyslexia. we had a regular vision test and while his vision was great...he had trouble tracking. that is one of the problems he has at home. so we felt like MAYBE he was flipping letters, words, and numbers bc he was struggling to track and couldn't truly focus on what he was seeing. he has said before that the words move and he loses his place. when i googled his issues i read about vision therapy. it is covered by my insurance and i know a local therapist that i trust and so i figured i had nothing to lose.

i do think it is possible that he is just dyslexic or also dyslexic....but we are going this route first. i won't rule out a trip to the child psych for additional testing if i feel it is necessary....but either way i know it is all me when it comes to accommodations and services because i know the school would not service him since he is not behind.

but I have a gut feeling that there is still something going on with him that needs to be addressed.
that is how i felt....and that is why we are pursuing private testing. i know that i can help him at home if i just know what is really wrong.