Grinity that is a great idea, like a trouble-shooting flow chart. Wish I could help, but I'm one of the new parents myself. Are you experiencing difficulty with understanding your child's needs (click here). Finding a therapist (click here). Eliciting cooperation from local school (click here).
You have selected "difficulty with school.". If your child is 1) working at a very advanced level (click here). 2) noticably asynchronous (click here). 3) 2e (click here).
My boy's only two and 3/4 so all I've done so far is read and really get a better understanding of my own past and also tons of real life examples of what the future might bring. But if I had a school-aged kid and I was just looking into this and I needed answers now that flowchart would be a life-saver.

Youth lives by personality, age lives by calculation. -- Aristotle on a calendar