[quote=Ana KI really wish I could get the sleep thing to work! She likes her bedtime routine and voluntarily climbs into her bed and drifts off by herself. But this does not translate to sleeping through the whole night. Some nights she wakes up and comes to our bed and manages to sleep the rest of the night. But other times, she spends 2 to 3 hours kicking us, singing, etc. but seems unable to fall asleep again. I don't know how to ensure a good night's sleep for her.


Oh! How exhausting. Keep a journal for a month on daily activities, exposure to TV/computer/radio, minutes outdoors, food, playmates, your moods, anything you think might be the cause of these kicking hours! Post your results and we'll help anyway we can.

One story I keep hearing is that they child is "burning to learn" and at a much higher level than the parent expected, but compliant enough to do worksheets at a much lower level than the 'readiness level' causing sleep and behavior issues.

I don't personally find 'workbooks' appealing, but for this young age getting a few Sinapore Math and LA workbooks to have around the house and see if she 'finds herself' there may be a good investment.

Good luck!

Coaching available, at SchoolSuccessSolutions.com