Thank you everyone so much for your input.

I looked around the davidson website and realized very quickly that it was not for us. at least not yet. But, the forum here is great. It has even answered some questions I didn't even think to ask yet. I can't believe how incredibly smart your babies were/are. They blow my girl out of the water. I would love to see a 12 month old speaking in sentences!

My daughter also really enjoyed We will explore that more in the near future.

Regarding school:
You all have made me feel so much better about my *not* putting her in school yet.

This summer has been great, because we are in a great routine of going to a museum, zoo, science center, aquarium, or library, one day and then running errands or relaxing the next. we have been to each place more than once, some places 10+ times. It is just great because we can focus on little things each time and we are experts at getting around.

I get so many stares from other people for explaining things to my little girl. It really makes me feel self-conscious, but she just sucks it all in. My favorite thing to do is tell her all about an exhibit, and then the next time we get to that exhibit she will say something like,

look mom, there is the red and black anemonefish. It is called that because it hides in the anemone. Oh, and up there is a blue surgeon fish. (We just got back from the aquarium. She actually said this about 2 hours ago.)

That makes me feel a little less silly.

We also live next door to (soon-to-be) 5-year-old triplets. (How lucky are we?) The girls just fawn over her. They get along so well. My neighbor confessed she can not get them to go on any other playdates because they just want to play with Gillian everyday. The triplets are admittedly small, and I have a big girl (28 solid lbs) so it is hard to tell there is a whole 3 years between them.

So, there is a part of me that really does not want to mess our nice routine up. We are also thinking about adding to the family and I got horrible morning sickness with Gillian, to the point of being hospitalized. I would not want to have to get out of the house everyday to take her to school.

But, I still get moments of panic thinking that I am failing her. I already feel bad for never teaching her to sign and not doing that Your baby can read program. (I am also worried about getting pregnant again. I am already feeling guilty.)

As far as the reading thing. Maybe I am being selfish. I must read her 50 books a day. How many times do you think I read 10 apples up on top a day? It would be nice to have her sit quietly in the corner reading away.

But, I will cont to take a real laid back approach to everything. It would be horrible to mess up what we got going for us now. She truly loves to learn. I don;t even think she knows she is learning.

It is so much fun.

Last edited by 10applesupontop; 07/15/10 02:51 PM.