I am back again and re-opening this post as I felt it better to continue with the prior info available. WE have recently proceeded down the auditory testing route. AS a matter of update academically, whilst DS's reading has improved, his writing and spelling are still well below average. It has now spread to his maths as well - which is still mainly at an average level but shows a decline - he has abolutely refused to rote learn any time-tables so that did not help.

Anyway, he was given a full hearing test by an audiologist which was a pre-requisite to conducting the auditory processing assessment. Well they have found that he has mile/moderate hearing loss in his left ear at normal speaking level and lower (40db). Apparenlty, his hearing is almost normal in that ear if people yell or speak very loudly!! IN a quiet room with words being spoken into his ear he heard about 55% in that ear and 92% in the right ear. So he has unilateral hearing loss - but it is not severe. I was wondering if anyone could shed any light on or provide any input on the following -
1. Would such a mild/moderate loss and only in one ear explain the "very" significant difference between his IQ (particularly when calculated as GAI) and achievement in class which is average to below average in almost all areas?
2. Even if he has a physical loss of hearing, could he also have auditory processing difficulties?
3. I am having a hard time working out how his hearing relates to his worst area - writing (2 - 3 years behind his age). He still writes without any punctuation - using "and then" like a much younger child. He writes like someone speaking.
4. Any other suggestions as to what I might try? He will be going to an ear, throut and nose specialist to see if there rae any other related conditions.
5. How could have have got to 10.5 years without anyone really suspecting a hearing loss? This includes his own parents! His speech started very early and his language has always been very good although is a bit flat toned (often hourse) and he mumbles at time.

If anyone has anything to add - whether you have personal experience or not - I would really apprecitate it!

Thank you,

Last edited by Tizz2008; 07/14/10 02:44 PM.