WHOA! Thank you SO MUCH, inky!

I just gave DS6 the first test with the counting. He counted aloud to 26 with no hint of trouble, of course. Easy-peasy.

10 seconds into the silent-counting part, he broke into tears and said it was too hard! I calmed him down and asked for his help even though it was hard, and after I spotted him 1 and 4, he said "1, 4, 6, no it's 8, 12, 13..." before he started to cry again. At that point, I ended the test.

It's VERY clear to me that he's not hearing an inner voice. Wow!

I didn't try the other tests on the website. I thought the pschologist might want to try them with him, so I passed these links on to her with a note about how he performed on the counting test.

Wow! Thank you for this! It's the first time I haven't felt like he's got this weird problem that no one has ever even considered. It's being studied! Wahoo!

Thank you, thank you, thank you for posting that, inky! You rock!!! laugh
