Thanks for posting, Grinity. smile I appreciate your take on things.

The psych and I don't really see evidence of ADD. She said that with sloppy mistakes, that's usually one of the top things on her list. But not with him. He's appropriately focused, no behavior problems in K, and other than normal 6yo squirreliness, he's got no problem with sitting still and working on something that interests him.

(BTW, you're right that he was in public school K this year, Grinity. We will homeschool/"school-for-homeschool" him next year, however.)

I have wondered a bit about some executive function issue. I'll have to go back and look at the usual symptoms again, now that I have the new info from the testing. 6 months ago, it didn't seem quite right. But I'll revisit.

I think the fact that he misses the problems if he *doesn't* say them out loud is more important than the fact that he gets them right if he does. What is it that's *not* happening for him if he tries to do it silently and on paper? That's why an auditory processing issue--or something to do with the voice in one's head, whatever might be responsible for that--seems most sensible to me.

Ah, this whole thread is so helpful to me! Thank you!
