Thank you all for your responses. And you're all right; I'm not sure that there is a lot of value left in continuing it. I've been doubting the value of this friendship for some time. I think the fact that we were so close for a period is what has made it all the more difficult. Having said that - and Raddy, I think you're spot on - I'm not sure that that closeness was real. Perhaps it's run its course.

Katelyn'smom, I have to say that thankfully I live in a different region than the one she teaches in, but I don't for a minute think that our region is any better (as demonstrated by the schools who dropped all contact once I mentioned dd's abilities). We're in Australia, where there is no federal or state legislation regarding giftedness and we've never been a country that has valued intellect (hence why so many of our best brains leave the country)! I have, very fortunately, found a school that I think will try to accommodate her - at this stage they have said all the right things and have been very accessible. I appreciate there is a big difference between words and actions, so I am mindful of this, but we'll see how we go.

Raddy, I love, love, love what you have said about teaching. I just read it to my husband and we both agreed that that was a very astute assessment of the situation.

Once again, thank you all for your responses. It is wonderful to know that there is support out there. It's just such a shame that because of the circumstances it ends up having to be done online rather than in our communities! I find it so frustrating that it has to be this unspoken thing - and it's something that is so wonderful and exciting. Imagine what these kids could contribute to the world if they were all nurtured.