I am very impressed with the thorough, entirely rational, and even quite fair way you've described the situation. It IS so frustrating that this is what so many of us are up against, both within the school system (we've been lucky here) and in society in general. It is, to me, such an incredible shame, and it seems almost impossible to try to convince some people of the reality of gifted kids' needs and what helps them (as demonstrated by reliable research). There will always be someone who puports to know better than you because they have more experience than you. You, yourself, are a smart person and you've carefully thought about what your daughter needs. You just have to have a strong belief in your child and your knowledge of your child and your child's needs. I so wish it wasn't such a battle to convince others sometimes and I hate that it makes it hard to talk at all about our kids. I would think that almost all of us here have a had a similar conversation with someone.

I hope, with time, as your friend sees your daughter develop appropriately with your advocacy, she will be swayed.

Last edited by mnmom23; 06/13/10 05:25 PM.

She thought she could, so she did.