Hello, I am new on this board. I just received my results from a psychologist after psychoeducational testing. My full scale IQ score was only 127, significantly lower than I expected. However, my verbal IQ was 136 (which seemed about right). I was diagnosed with a visual memory learning disability. My question is, how accurate is my IQ score. I hit at least 5 test ceilings, 4 of which fell into the verbal category. However, one of my verbal subscores was low, at around the 74%ile thus causing my overall verbal IQ to drop significantly. My perceptual IQ was 121 and my quantitative IQ was 124. Unfortunately, my lowest subscores were very sporadic and were not all clustered into one subsection so no one of my subscores is substantially higher than the others.

I feel like my IQ is not truly reflective of my abilities. My standardized test scores are always in the 99%ile, yet my full scale IQ does not even fall into the gifted range despite hitting the ceiling on 5 tests. This is frustrating to me and I'm wondering what other people's experiences are regarding twice-exceptional children.