Originally Posted by chris1234
Ps, I found on the convenant website a good kindergarten readiness assessment tool. I realize they are in the biz of selling curriculum, but most of the questions seemed reasonable to me and it covers some social stuff, language skills, etc., for anyone interested in this sort of thing:

edit - here's the auto-scored one.

Thanks for the links. I couldn't resist taking a look and not shocking ... my DD was 98% ready for Kindergarten. Sadly, if she took this a year ago she would have still been in the same range. So glad we stumbled upon the school she attends since she has already been doing kindergarten work and this week was moved to the next class which is equal to 1st grade. I just shutter thinking what if we didn't find this gem of a school? My DD technically would not be eligible for kindergarten for another year since her birthday is in August. (Thank goodness, since I couldn't imagine a hard cut off date of September and holding her back yet another year!) But by the time DD is eligible for Kindergarten she would most likely be ready for 3rd grade!

And don't get me started on red-shirting. I really see this as part of the 'educational' push started by Baby Einstein with the ultimate of Your Baby Can Read. Let's face it ... our society is all about competition and red-shirting is the epitome of this. And we wonder why the famous "They all even out by 3rd grade" has such a bite. I think our society has it's priorities backwards... holding some one back is not only acceptable but encouraged but the minute someone dares to argue the intellectual advancement of their child; the knowing looks and catch phrases surface.