Originally Posted by chris1234
Not necessarily! Some of the private K's have their own equally arbitrary age limits! I am dealing with one right now, although they seem to be softening up a bit!! laugh

Catholic schools are typically less expensive than independent ones, so we contacted a few when we wanted to enroll our son in KG at 4. One school principal said the archdiocese of Boston prohibited early admission, another school have never heard of such a rule! One needs to ask around. Unfortunately, in a recession, many parents cannot afford even Catholic school tuition, and some have been closing down. Vouchers are needed to increase options for parents.

We put our bright girl with a January birthday in preschool at age 2y8mo, and she has done fine. She will be 3y8mo this September, and we will put her in a preschool class with 4-year-olds.

"To see what is in front of one's nose needs a constant struggle." - George Orwell