One of my earliest, and worst memories of school was exactly this. In first grade, at the end of the school year we had to clean out our desks and put all the papers we hadn't completed in a pile. I had done almost nothing (it was all "baby stuff") and had a huge pile of untouched papers and was absolutely mortified that the other kids could see how dumb i was!

Unfortunately, work continued to be easy all the way through high school (IF I cared to pay attention...) and i grew up thinking i was stupid and lazy. I never really learned what motivation and dedication meant. Never had to. DOn't ask me why i thought i was stupid. I had straight 'A's at least into HS.

So based on my experience you have two options. Force the Kid to do meaningless work which she will hate and fight through (but maybe learn a lesson from?) or forget the whole thing and establish a pattern for life that is tough to break.

Of course the real answer is to find a program that works the way we all know that it should, but good luck with that!