DD9 brought home some classwork the other day with a sticky note attached that the pages were found in her desk and she needed to have them completed in 2 days. I asked DD and she gave me some excuses as to why they were not done (pulled out for gifted class etc) I started to write a note back to teacher telling her what she told me and DD got worried and insisted I don't and just drop it. Of course my "Mom" radar went off. I looked at the papers and they seemed mostly to be "busy" work. Finally dragged it out of her that she didn't think they were important so she didn't do them. I happened to see her teacher the next day and found out the whole story. She is in an "inclusion" class with both gifted and the other end of the spectrum. Of course since she tends to act like Hermione from Harry Potter they don't watch her too closely. Come to find out after she had only turned 2 pages of morning work in that week she had been stuffing "unimportant" work in her desk since December. When they asked her about it she started to get upset so they dropped it and just made her complete the work from that week.

Of course now that she has been caught she won't be doing this anymore. We tried to do what we felt was right and tell her that you just got to do what is required..life isn't always about doing what you want etc....
but part of me feels bad that she is stuck doing word searches. The other day she independently copied the entire braille alphabet during free time..or hmmm...maybe it wasn't free time..maybe that was what she was doing instead of coloring the square red that had the answer to 5X6?!