Sorry, but why did you tell her she had to do it? No matter what the average teacher thinks, the purpose of school is to educate, not to psychologically beat children into blind submission. If there's not a reason behind that work that can be explained by the teacher (at least to your satisfaction, if not your daughter's), you have every right to tell the school your daughter won't be doing it. If I had a parent say that to me about work I assigned, I would be too embarrassed about having ignored a student's needs to even think about trying to force the issue. Then I would consider the fact that being able to tell important, useful, educational activities from unimportant busywork is actually a demonstration of cognitive skill in and of itself. Val's right - we all have to do unpleasant things, but there needs to be a reason. Oh, and I would definitely have a talk with your daughter about self-advocacy as a healthy alternative to stuffing unwanted papers in her desk....