Hmm, OK, gotcha...well, here are a couple of other ideas:

Jump Math ( is Canadian; there are two worktexts per year--from the samples, it looks as though there is direct instruction in the workbooks (the teacher books seem to have mostly mental maths exercises and extension activities). I think these were developed originally for remedial classes (so not our target audience at all, but I know that at one point a couple of people on the TAGMAX list were using them several grades ahead).

Galore Park (a British prep-school publisher) has Junior Maths and So You Really Want to Learn Maths--these are softcover, but they look pretty close to what I think you are wanting. One book per year, with instruction and exercises in each chapter. There are pretty good samples on their website: Maybe those will work??


PS: (In re: MEP, not to flog an expired equine, but one can order hard-copy versions of the practice books, rather than printing them off--I have been tempted to do this, but haven't inquired yet as to postage rates overseas.)