I first want to say THANK YOU! Thank you for not just saying I need to accept. Thank you for not saying stop questioning. Just thank you.

I struggle between wanting MORE for him, without making him feel LESS.

One thing that has stayed with me, is that I was told that he has no intrinsic motivation. So most discipline systems do not work with him, positive reinforcements only work... if the prize is worth something to him. But isn't this true of most people?

Just because he isn't motivated by materialistic things (maybe like I am a bit LOL I really do love shoes) doesn't mean he isn't motivated. He doesn't know HOW to share his feelings. Or to really put a name on them. One of the Emotionally Disturbed "ED" categories was for being aTypical. I think they took the things that are Aspergers, and twisted them into ED. He is a typical Aspie child who is sensitive and emotionally overrun (wears his heart on a sleeve).