Originally Posted by OliEli's Mom
I am doing what I can now: limiting TV, more drawing, game play, gardening, reading, etc. Getting into a better routine. Can any of you point to any studies which show that a kid will still live up to their full potential after a parent has been so passive during the toddler years?

Welcome OliEli's M!

Sounds like you are on a good path - Yippee!

There are no studies anywhere near delicate enough to answer these questions - it sounds to me like you are doing the best possible job of living your life - so go forth and live each day.

None of us can go back and change the past. And given the perfectionism that come with our intense imaginations - we would all like to.

Here's how I finally stopped myself.

Let's say that a time machine was invented, and I was allowed to go back and fiddle. I'm sure that I wouldn't be satisfied with any of my alterations - so intead of living life, I would be in a continual loop of fiddling and being unsatisfied. Better to learn to live with our imprefections and just assume that a High Power must have had something planned for our hard times even if we never know what it was. Like the story about the beautiful young woman who married the young man with the terrible physical deformity. ((He claimed that the deformity was 'meant' for her, and he begged. before they were born, to be allowed to carry it for her - she bought the story!))

We have complete freedom of perspective, yes?

Love and More Love,

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