Hi All,

I have a lovely, inquisitive G/T DD10, and a very funny, rough-and-tumble almost 4-yr-old DD. The past 2 years have been emotionally tough for me (dealing with the illness and death of my father) and consequently I did not do nearly as much active play, drawing, writing, etc. with my second DD during that time (from age 2 through now - almost 4).

I'm embarrassed to admit that she was often set in front of PBS kids while I wallowed in my own stuff. I am coming out of my depression and doing much better interacting actively with her now. She's a great kid and asks all sorts of questions and is very verbal, but now I worry that I've permanently hurt her by being so hands-off during that crucial developmental age of 2-4.

I am doing what I can now: limiting TV, more drawing, game play, gardening, reading, etc. Getting into a better routine. Can any of you point to any studies which show that a kid will still live up to their full potential after a parent has been so passive during the toddler years?

Thanks and I do enjoy reading your posts. You all are so bright and plugged in,

Enjoy your summers,

OliEli's Mom