Poor Belle, what a horrible, horrible experience for you.

Am I remembering correctly that you are a certified, experienced teacher yourself? If so, I think that one of the many very sad and frustrating things about all of this is that they put so little trust in a qualified teacher's judgment of a student's educational needs (that may speak volumes about the relationship between administration and teachers in that school or district right there); unlike most parents, you would have seen hundreds of children over time, and have had an opportunity to develop a really good sense of where your son fits as a learner relative to a larger group.

No advice, just commiseration--I do so hope that things will look up for you and your dear boy soon.


Edited to add: of course I don't mean to say that a parent who is not a teacher would not be able to judge these things--of course he or she would; I just think that it's very odd from a school's perspective not to trust the judgment of a teaching professional (not you, not the speech teacher, not the gifted teacher--wow, not a lot of trust happening there with the administrative layer).

Last edited by minniemarx; 05/16/10 10:07 PM.