Originally Posted by Belle
Guidance then went on to share that parents were going to be in for a rude awakening next year ... there would be no special programs, there would be no help for many kids that needed it...she said they were expecting parents to be beating the doors down. She said she didn't want to sugar coat things and that my son would need to "suck it up" and "deal with it" and that we needed to get over the fact that "he is not going to get an individualized education..."
Gee... and I wonder why these asinine blowhards are scared to death about School Choice. If they had to compete for business, they would FAIL... and deservedly so.

At this point, I would totally blow off any real or perceived pecking order and jump a few levels higher in the system. Her attitude is unacceptable, and while I'm sure that your anger may have colored some of the description, she sounds like a total a$$, pure and simple. You've got to at least consider making a whole lotta noise over this. Nine weeks to "suck it up?" Please. They want your son to sit through mind-numbing content for 25% of the year first? B.S. You do that and then they'll say... "Ooooohhhh... we're too far in the year now... why, there will likely be gaps... he's missed too much of 3rd grade to change now..."

She's the only whiner in this conversation. The districts out of money? Guess what... accelerating a kid is likely the most affordable accommodation.

Yes, I know it's easy to be brave from waaaay over here in CA, but I still say jump in there with both feet, grab some of those pinheads by the collar and tell them what you want. Keep knocking on doors until you get the right person.


Being offended is a natural consequence of leaving the house. - Fran Lebowitz