We received DS8 WISC IV report, and are fairly pleased with the results. However, we are a little concerned with the difference between the VCI and PRI scores. He had WPPSI when he was 5. The difference between the Verbal and Non-Verbal sections was also 30 points. We were told the difference was a concern and should have his vision checked first. Long story short, after a round of vision therapy, we were told he had no more vision-motor issues. We had him do the WISC IV recently and hoped to see more even scores. Here is the result we got:
VCI - 158
PRI - 123
WMI - 152
PRI - 112

I have two questions. Your help is greatly appreciated.
1. What does *lower* PRI score mean in terms of his ability?
2. What does the large difference imply? LD?