Hi, Niki,

I think you'll love MCT--it's really a terrific programme. I wouldn't think you'd need anything else for vocabulary--there's a lot of challenging stuff there.

The kids like the handwriting programme pretty well (handwriting in general is not too popular here, either! But the Getty-Dubay has been the best thing I've found for them, and they like it well enough, which seems like a win to me!) I know lots of people also use Handwriting without Tears with good success, too, so that might be another one to look into.

For typing, we love BBC Dancemat typing--so fun!

There are lots of literature lists out there--you might have a peek at The Well-Trained Mind, or Ambleside Online, or Mater Amabilis, or the Sonlight catalogue, Judith Wynn Halsted's "Some of My Best Friends are Books," or lists of Newbery winners, or things like that. Our library has a couple of big shelves of titles like "100 best books for kids" or some such thing. Frenchie and I were lucky enough to have very well-stocked shelves as children, and so far, we have had pretty good luck generating reading lists from our memory banks. I like older books a lot, so I follow publishers catalogues from houses that reprint classic children's lit (like Jane Nissen Books, New York Review Children's Collection, Persephone, Fidra, Purple House Press, etc.)

We've used the Bonnie Risby workbooks from Prufrock Press for logic, which are quite good; the ones we have are not super-exciting visually, though. http://www.prufrock.com/showproducts.cfm?FullCat=97

Lots of people like the Critical Thinking workbooks, too (Mindbenders and so on). My favourite things, really, for younger kids, are Sudoku, Encyclopedia Brown (!) and various kinds of logic-y games (like Mastermind, and so on), as well as fun logic puzzles (Dover has a lot; here's an example: http://store.doverpublications.com/0486454746.html )

[We've just bought Mary Haight's "The Snake and the Fox," which looks like being lots of fun (we've only done a couple of chapters so far), but may not be what you're wanting for a six year-old.]

Hope that helps a bit--let us know what you need!
