Welcome aboard Niki!!

I agree with Kriston about not buying much of anything. The one thing I would recommend is a subscription to netflix. We use it for science, history, math.... It's amazing what you can find on there once you get the hang of it. Many of the videos feed instantly to your computer (our your tv if you have a playstation or Wii) They offer up the Discovery Chanel, PBS, NASA specials etc.

You need some time to discover how your child learns and what works for the two of you. One thing that DS7 and I use is what we refer to as the "idea trap". It's a spiral bound set of index cards that my son uses to right down ideas and questions nad just things that pop into his head. It has helped me in determining what his interests are and has made choosing curriculum easier. For instance, he had several different thoughts regarding money, a few questions, a request for more chores so that he could earn money etc. Two months later he is in the early stages of a financial management class that begins with basic money skills and carries all the way through economics, should we choose to go that far.

Mom to DS 10, DS 11, DS 13
Ability doesn't make us, Choices do!