It is official, this week I brought to DS(6's) school a form that he will not return back next year. We are going to homeschool, I can not believe it. On one side I am thrilled, on the other I am petrified as to what I have put my self and my family into. My son is very excited as it is him who is "bugging" me about taking him out of school since November).
A quick background: DS(6), DYS, went to Kindergarten last August. He selected a great school, Magnet science, math and technology. As some of you may remember in October he was accelerated into first grade, with additional pull outs for math with 3rd grade. He was excited there for about a week, until he became familiar with the new and realized that he will still not be learning anything new besides weekly spelling words. I have to admit, that the school really was trying to be flexible and to accommodate DS in his abilities. However, it did not seem to work for DS, it just was not enough. He wants to learn on his own, dive into more complex issues: bacterias and viruses, cosmology, harder math and science, languages.
So here we are, finishing up the school year and getting ready for homeschooling.
I am trying to do some research to see what is available to assist him in his learning process. (I am afraid that my husband is going to hide my computer soon, as there is so much out there.) My son is very advanced in science and reading, medium advanced in math, and almost on grade level with writing and spelling. He loves new vocabulary.
I wanted to ask all the homeschooling parents, if there is anything that worked well in your homeschooling journey, to please share it.
Also, if you know about any resources for cosmology and origin of universe (my DS want's to start history with that), I would very much appreciate it.