This is a constant struggle. I remember being right in that exact situation when DS5 was that age. He would have a playdate with another 3yo and would pull out junior monopopoly to play or something else like that. It was quite awkward and he didn't get why they didn't want to play and do those things with him. he wanted a wheel of fortune theme for his birthday party when he was turning 4. But he started to figure it out how different he was just by exposure to other kids his age. We needed to say something because he would often start treating children his own age as he would a baby. He would interact appropriately with older children, but with children his age he would run around, tickle them and play tag like he played with his little sister. He would even think that they were younger and would be shocked when finding out children were his own age. Anyhow, we did the whole discussion things that children learn things at different times and have different strengths. As he has gotten older we have had more discussions about how his brain works, etc. The word gifted hasn't come up with him yet, even though he is in DYS and has gone to some gatherings, etc. He has understood a lot more since going to school as he sees what other children in his classroom (some of whom are a year older) are doing. He started the school year out surprised (saying things like "they are just learning to read") and now he says things like "Matthew knows what 12+12 is already." So he celebrates in their accomplishments. He talks about how fast of a runner some kids are and notices that everyone is different and hopefully understand that one gift is not better than another. But it is still hard when other people comment on him being "smart" all the time. He told me the other day that one of his classmates said he should be on the show "are you smarter than a 5th grader" to which DS replied "I can't go on the show because you have to be 18 or older." Anyhow, this subject will come up more and more throughout their life...

DD2 (almost 3)is gifted, but probably more along the lines of MG or maybe HG. Her teacher from our church came up to me last night to be reminded at how old she was. I guess she thought DD2 was almost 4 and was thinking about moving her up to the next class because she said she was seeming kind of bored lately. Her class goes up through 3 and the next class is 4 and 5. I explained she is still 2 so probably shouldn't move up quite yet (but boy did that bring back flashbacks of DS).

And the looks from others, get used to it : ) They do get a little better as the kids get older thankfully. You will have the hardest time with parents of kids that are the same exact age. If they are a little younger or older things are generally a little better. That's my experience at least.