You may be able to get away with saying less than you think. With DS (whose reading was similarly advanced at that age) I remember this being very briefly an issue with his best friend at nursery. Saying "Ah, [friend] doesn't seem to be very interested in reading and spelling at the moment. I expect he will be when he's older." seemed to be quite enough. After all, DS already understood that different children at nursery had different preferences about what to do. [ETA and consequently, different knowledge - e.g. I remember a football-mad child who understood all the rules, and a child who was keen on differences between car makes, so DS was familiar with the fact that if he wasn't interested in something he might not know things that someone else thought were basic.] I think understanding *abilities* is much harder, and TBH I wouldn't and didn't go there at this age. (And after all, the other child could turn out to be PG and just not one of those who do early reading!)

Last edited by ColinsMum; 05/06/10 11:30 AM.

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