Thanks MnMom. I used to do that exercise with errors. I need to do that again. He really enjoyed that. Speaking of which during the exam yday, he was supposed to be identifying which letters were reversed and he stopped and pointed at something on the page and asked the tester what it was. The tester said a typo and thanks for pointing it out. So he can find typos but can't figure out which letters are reversed????? I-YI-YI. The doctor and I were both laughing about that one. Anyways here is what this doctor said, DS has directionality/laterality issues. Somewhere along the way when he started to learn letters/numbers/words he got confused on direction/laterality. He doesn't know r/l, up/down, etc. He can't reverse things in space because he doesn't have a firm grasp on their direction to begin with. He says his motor tone is fine and they will work with motor tone while they work with VT. He is trying to bring an OT on board, I guess, so they can integrate the 2. He said that DS is actually physically reacting to the signals his body is receiving from the eyes. IOW the eye message doesn't jive with what his brain knows so his hands are getting sweaty when you even suggest writing/reading and his body stiffens and heart starts racing when you put paper in front of him. YIKES! I just found out about the sweaty hands the night before. So fingers crossed that this is truly what's interfering with DSs learning. We're going to try VT and hopefully it will be 'the thing'. DS is super excited because he wants to learn to surf (we couldn't live farther from an ocean) and in VT they work with balance boards. So with him on board, I have hope.